

Hoofdkantoor Heembouw Roelofarendsveen

About Heembouw

Heembouw creates places where people want to be. Founded in 1939 in Roelofarendsveen, Heembouw now occupies a unique position in the construction industry. With its own architectural firm, Heembouw Architecten, Heembouw offers its clients a fully integrated approach to their housing issues. Heembouw focuses on three types of end users: commercial property, offices and living, and we do this from our offices in Roelofarendsveen, Breda and Berkel en Rodenrijs. With 300+ employees, a turnover of 221 million (2023) and solvency of 46,6%, Heembouw is a healthy company in every sense. 

Focus on customer groups

Heembouw focuses on three types of end users: Commercial Property, Offices and Living. Full focus on customer groups ensures even more knowledge about and understanding of the customer's wishes. This creates customer value, resulting in greater added value, a smooth-running process, minimal waste and a better location. The customer groups, as a direct link to our customers, are the beating heart of Heembouw. 

Our vision

Heembouw creates places where people want to be. That is our vision and what drives us. Places where people want to live or work; where they want to live and grow old; where they want to do business and develop further. 

Integrated Approach

We offer our customers an integrated approach: design, development and realisation and maintenance. This makes us distinctive in the market. We give substance to our vision as a whole, based on a single shared context, with passion and inspiration: we create a place where people want to be. Only when you act as one team and work together optimally, both internally and with our suppliers, are you able to achieve the highest possible customer value. Better cooperation in the chain ensures higher customer value and customer appreciation, delivers better results and makes our strategic partners better. In this way, we lay a solid foundation for the future.

Our sustainability vision 

“We are aware of the impact of our actions on the planet and are genuinely driven to do better”.  We are intrinsically driven to actively contribute to a more sustainable environment and more sustainable buildings. With our own architectural firm, we are able to make a difference and, driven by our vision of creating places where people want to be, we can have a positive impact on people's lives and their living environment.

gevel Heembouw kantoor Berkel en Rodenrijs

Own architects

We see creation as the sum of inventing, creating and delivering. That is why Heembouw has its own architects. Because developers, architects and builders work together even more closely, without differing business interests, we are able to create places where people want to be even faster.

We work together as architects and builders in specialised teams. No ad-hoc combinations: our daily practice is to work together to devise specific solutions for specific customers within our own customer group. Without our own interests playing a role, we work as a single team on a customer assignment. From the first sketch design up to and including delivery. This ensures high quality, a fast and smooth process, less static and smarter solutions. And less hassle for the customer.

Everyone brings their own qualities, knowledge and expertise and works together for one common goal: to create a place for the customer where people want to be. This integrated approach also ensures that we can take steps on other, broader themes. Such as the development of a 100% circular distribution centre. And the further development of Slimm, our compact and complete single-family home, which we also want to build in wood. With all disciplines under one roof, we can look beyond the here and now and also tackle the issues of tomorrow.

Boek de ontwerpende bouwer van Heembouw
Afvalscheiding op de bouwplaatsen van Heembouw

Heembouw sustainability vision

Our sustainability vision: “We are aware of the impact of our actions on the planet and are genuinely committed to doing better”. We are intrinsically driven to actively contribute to a more sustainable environment and more sustainable buildings. With our own architects, we are able to make a difference and, fuelled by our vision of creating places where people want to be, we can have a positive impact on people's lives and their living environment. 

Corporate social responsibility

Inspired by our vision: We create places where people want to be. Heembouw embraces initiatives that bring people, society, employees and our company together. Heembouw organises - and makes possible - activities in the local community for social purposes by creating a place where people for whom this is not the norm want to be. Heembouw contributes widely to Resto Vanharte. This foundation is committed to combating loneliness and social isolation in neighbourhoods. Resto vanHarte works together with local community restaurants, where a healthy meal is served once or twice a week, for people from the neighbourhood. Heembouw supports Resto VanHarte by giving our colleagues the opportunity to do voluntary work on Resto evenings and to contribute financially. 

Employee satisfaction

In order to create spaces for our customers where they want to be, we must first be a space where people like to come. By continuously investing in the development of the talents and skills of our people, people get the best out of themselves and we as an organisation can utilise that potential and continue to improve. Every year, we measure how satisfied our employees are and their level of commitment and enthusiasm. We are delighted with the high response rate and proud of our results: an 8.2 for Engagement.

Customer satisfaction

In 2004, Heembouw started developing a proprietary working method based on the Lean philosophy. We are continuously working on further improving ourselves and our organisation, which ultimately revolves around one thing: creating customer value. To measure whether and to what extent we are succeeding, Heembouw conducts customer surveys. Since 2014, Heembouw has been collaborating on this with satisfied.nl. This satisfaction survey agency combines continuous research with transparent feedback of the results via digital platforms. Heembouw is the first construction company in the Netherlands to share the opinions and reviews of its customers in this open and transparent format. We use the net promoter score (NPS): the number between -100 and + 100 that indicates the extent to which customers would recommend the company to their contacts. Our NPS figure for 2024 is +83, with an average score of 8.8.